secret hidden rooms in old houses

Cabin was built in the 70s. Her mother confirmed later that it was a Holocaust hiding space. We give him the okay and go about our business. Using natural features to hide a room or doorway creates a sense of wonder and whimsy, turning your yard into a fairyland garden. Whether you're looking to add a bit of fun and mystery to your abode or are keen on some old world seclusion, these hidden door ideas are your escape from the obvious-and an endlessly fun approach at that. A family bought an old house and found a secret room in it, which no one entered for 102 years. We shined a flashlight down into it and I could swear there was a teddy bear at the bottom. A man discovered a secret "third room" in the house where he had been living for four years unaware of its existence. It was a walled off section of the basement with a dirt floor. So stop looking at that Cape Cod storage space as just one additional spot that needs to be insulated and turn it into a tiny hidden room for play! Lived in a warehouse in Melbourne. I have no idea what's back there.". I'm going to guess it was a body, and the police came and then it was cleaned up and renovated, and that's why you kids had to leave. I spent hours in that room reading and hiding from the world. notlikethat1 , Diane Picchiottino Report, Treasure room? The brainchild of eccentric designer Jule Gilmer Krner, Krner's Folly is an eclectic home comprised of oddly shaped hallways, trap doors, and distorted rooms. I have no idea what it could have been. But in the clip, which scared up more than 1.5 million views, the new homeowners took a tour around their rambling Victorian-style abode which, according to a separate video, they recently purchased from a historical society and uncovered its previously camouflaged details. Anything that visitors wont catch at first glance can be lurking behind a door or wall. The pair filmed the moment they took down the wooden covering, and discover a walk-in shower. "I bought a 148-year-old house a few months ago," she said without revealing where. It's a very small space, maybe 3 by 5 feet. in Media and Cultural Studies. The old, abandoned house on the outskirts of town had always been a source of curiosity for the local kids. A couple found a secret bathroom hidden behind a wall in their first home together in Oklahoma. A couple of years ago I rented an apartment that was in a massive old architecture style building, no idea how old it was. Raine, the 27-year-old new home owner, said: "Because of the pandemic, we bought this house on the internet without ever seeing it before. So I opened them up expecting some cool stuff. Considering the schools vintage, it was mob shelter for the kids to go during bomb drills, I bet. To keep your hidden doorway from standing . I was pretty young (maybe 7-8) so I dont remember all the details. They have this huge office with beautiful wooden bookcases around the whole room. But then youll be faced with the dilemma of how to hide the less attractive unfinished area when youve beautified the rest of the space. When I was helping move out, I decided I needed to check out what was up. After a year or two, I located a suspicious wood panel on the floor, pried it open a bit and was able to see a full length staircase leading to a brick wall. The 27-year-old gave followers a mini-house tour online, showing the inside and outside of their new 1,110 sq ft home . We also asked Steve why these secret compartments are great additions to homes. Design by Creative Home Engineering A simple door latch is all thats needed to secure it, and the hinges are obscured by the large poster frame. If it was for storage, why would it be walled off from the rest of the basement? It might be something you never need, but it can give you the comfort you need to sleep at night. We think they used them as coat hooks. The hotel guest uses the text-to-speech function to explain how she found the small room. I was so excited that I found a secret room, and was pumped to open the door. Psst find out the22 things your real estate agent isnt telling you. Dont missthese library secrets even librarians wont tell you. A hidden room doesnt have to be indoors. The monitors were not hooked up to anything but they explained why each room upstairs had holes in the corners of the ceilings. The clip can also be seen here. These hidey-hole spots (aka "hides") date from the 16th-17th centuries when the Catholic Pakington family would hide Catholic priests from Protestant queensmen. He starts drilling and then stops, comes upstairs and tells us he just found a bricked up room and what do we want to do about it? When I was finally moving out curiosity got the best of me and I pushed on the panel at the top of the stairs until it popped open and hoisted myself up there. That's it, nothing else. Used to sit up there and watch the sun set over the city. 9 The House Of Seven Gables Has A "Secret Staircase". And in India in particular, these secretive spaces can be traced back to the Mughal era. Adelaide Ross is a writer at Bored Panda. A narrow spiral staircase can provide access to shelves that hold hundreds of wine bottles or similar sized objects. Take a powerful flashlight, shine it in one and look through the other. Originally built in 1668 and best known for serving as the inspiration for Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel of the same name, the House of Seven Gables is a sprawling seafront colonial cottage with a big secret. Stock image of someone opening a door. But sometimes its a good idea to leave a portion of the basement unfinished. Az adatvdelmi irnyelvek kztt s a Cookie-szablyzatban bvebben olvashat arrl, hogyan hasznljuk fel az adatait. There was another room roughly the same size but deep, maybe 15 feet down, and mostly dirt. Only a few of the bottom stairs are visible as a wooden panel blocks off the top of the space, with Lindsay speculating where they could lead. Rau Antiques, an antique store in New Orleans, the most expensive, iconic, and unusual art objets dart are actually sequestered behind a hidden door. At one home inspection, Bob Sisson discovered a room containing nothing more than a fuse box. I crawled under the log frame a few feet and there was a wall made of baseball sized rocks. More!!! The box was about as big as a love seat and it looked as old as the house. No signs of forced entry, no obvious break-in Then a police officer happened to accidentally push a book on a random shelf, and voil! No need for complex woodworking to pull off this trick! Cape Cod homes are warm and cozy, but they do have a certain amount of partially usable space on the top floor. Professional athletes are even interested in secret spaces to have somewhere to store their awards and athletic memorabilia. The owner was.eccentric: Maybe the owner had some interesting interests that were embarrassing to show company. Decades worth of feces covered the whole space. The treasure trove of dusty, vintage spirits was tucked away behind a sliding, mirrored panel. I never investigated as it was my younger siblings' rooms, I was in college, and I didn't like the low ceilings of the upstairs. It broke a big hole and we realized there was a large empty space back there. You can change your preferences. When we were about 12 years old we realized that a section of the paneling came off and there was a small closet sized room behind it. Please provide your email address and we will send your password shortly. We didnt go inside because the doorway was so small and we were already creeped out by how dark it was in there. Across the pond in a 14th-century medieval manor, concealed "panic rooms" dot the interior of this English property. Ran around with a step ladder until I found it in my moms closet. She is originally from Texas and has a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Acting from Oklahoma City University. In the process we tackled each other with shoulder pushes and my friend flew into a panel at some point, where a screw popped out of panel that revealed over-painted screws that revealed a panel door.The janitor thought it was just the ducts for air or water pipe maintainance under the school, when we told him about the door and asked and said he came to the school in 1971 but never had been in there.Of cause, the two of us being 6th graders, had to go on a hunt and later returned with a screwdriver after school hours (school was not locked due to after-school club same place) and entered with a flashlight.It was a secret basement of ducts at first, super dusty and metal stamps revealed at least something in the coridors were built in 1959. Many homeowners would be happy to discover extra space in their homes. The farther I went in, the older the furniture I found, fridges from the fifties or earlier, old dishware, and so much dust over everything. In fact, if an old house has secret compartments there are a couple common reasons. She opens it, saying: "Check this out. My parents found one when I was a kid! Follow her PhDing and travels @thepophistorydoctor on IG! With a secret entrance, even the simplest of playrooms is transformed to a magical escape, and kids will love the feeling of having their own special place. It was the mid 2000s when we found it, so my parents got my sisters and I some motion-activated lights to stick on the walls, and gave us some old cushions so we could use it as a clubhouse too. When we get back home, there were bags in the car with our stuff. Behind that wood panel was a secret room that had monitors lining the wall along with a random assortment of items. When clearing out my grandmas house I found a small door in the wall of the basement that led to a tiny room, according to my mother thats where they hid the family heirlooms when thieving relatives came to town. Rat carcasses fused to the carpet, old tax documents from the 60s, etc. Oh and the spiders. My family lived briefly in Copenhagen when I was a young child. Especially if your home is old, theres no telling what secrets it could be concealing. Among his favorite tricks was his disappearing bar, which could only be accessed if one knew where the hidden level was. Inside the the attic was evidence someone was living in there at one point including a bloodied mattress. Friends of mine rented a holiday villa in Mexico years ago. It was also insulation filled (without the dirty pillow) but was a much larger space that just seemed unfinished. My best friend lives in France where I did as well for many years. Siu Kong Sit is . Their enormous monuments defy our ideas about ancient technology. We did a little research and think the sub-basement may have been related to prohibition, but honestly I'm just willing to accept that explanation in order to avoid lifelong nightmares. Turns out it was just a sealed-off basement, but what really was weird was a bunch of rat skeletons piled up on one corner and cat prints and cat fur on the thick dust. What amazes me is the lack of curiosity by a lot of these. Keep reading to also find an interview with Steve Humble, president of, article featuring real-life secret compartments, check out. ", The scare I got when I discovered this third room. An outdoor area or breezeway can be combined with a large water feature to create a room hidden behind a waterfall or vine growth. Of all the creepy things to find in a home, a hidden room or secret passageway is perhaps the most startling and eerie discovery. Called initiation wells, the base of the underground towers features a complex series of caverns, also entirely man-made! Here are ten notable hidden chambers, secret rooms, and concealed passages from throughout history from priest holes to royal escape routes. We noticed that one of the panels of the wood wall looked loose so our brother carefully pried it off. I lived in the house or my grandma for a few years, secret room beneath a trapdoor on the second floor, which was basically a void between walls on the complicated first floor. Well, not completely hidden. In downtown Portland, Oregon, the Hotel Monaco offers not only artful and eclectic guest rooms, but also a secret clubroom that only those-in-the-know can access. Or search for the door and find the way in!. The secret door I wanted to build really required the expertise of a mechanical engineer like myself, and since there were no firms dedicated to this type of work I decided to start my own.". I got hella weird vibes in that house after that, and an earthquake ended up taking out the cabin shortly after. 18 days ago. One day, when her daughters were playing in a closet in the library, they put their feet on the wall and it moved! Reddit user Reptilesni reached out asking people who have found a secret room or space in their house to share how long they lived there before finding it, what was in it, and what the eventual outcome was of discovering the space, and many readers came through with stories that sound like they belong in film scripts. I never investigated as it was my younger siblings' rooms, I was in college, and I didn't like the low ceilings of the upstairs. There was a weird plywood board covering a space of the yard in the house I used to live in. About two years into living there I went to the basement to do some laundry and momentarily lost my balance, reaching out to steady myself using one of the wall panels. Watched home alone and saw that attic that Macaulay Culkin was staying in and wondered if we had one in our townhouse. These valuable antiques might be hiding in your own house. I am the last surviving member of the Madison family who once owned the house, and I grew up in it, read the letter. Hes worked on nearly all aspects of building and DIY including project planning and permitting, plumbing, basic electric, drywall, carpentry, tiling, painting and more. One common area that goes unused in many homes is the space beneath stairwells. A homeowner reckons she's found a "secret passage" hidden behind a door in the 148-year-old house she just bought. We found some personal documents of no real interest, a newspaper from the day after Pearl Harbor, and a hand drawn cartoon of a pregnant Lucy yelling Goddammit Charlie Brown!Update: The newspaper turned out to be a reprint, so not valuable but still fun to look through. Enjoy the comfort of your finished basement, while maintaining an unfinished area for storage or for messier chores such as laundrya hidden laundry room, perhapsor pet baths. #fyp. Hey Pandas, What Are Some Of Your Favorite Dad Jokes? The number of hidden doors in the house of this guy. A 37-year-old teacher at Beckman High School was arrested Monday after police said he hid recording devices in one of the school's bathrooms. A few years later we were talking about to our parents about what we found and they said that the house was built during the prohibition era, so they most likely used it as a place to hide alcohol! In case the castle came under attack, the inhabitants could use the tunnel to flee and it came out right in my friends house about a kilometer away. Hey Pandas, What Is Your Favorite Conspiracy Theory? I always wanted to ask them, but they both died in a car accident when I was 15. This is like a treasure hunt! gushed an online onlooker. A darling of the Prohibition Era, this Toronto historic house--well, mansion--was a favorite of many American socialites as a Prohibition getaway. and crafting the perfect glass of cold brew. There was a small door under some stairs (almost like Harry Potters room) in my old apartment in Venezuela. So I tug on it, and sure enough it opens up with a hidden door behind it. The electrician was working down in the basement and wanted to drill through a (brick) wall to the outside for some reason I no longer remember. I found a secret space in my closet when my mom and I were moving out of the house she was renting to move into my stepdads house. Enjoy the rest of these fascinating stories, and keep upvoting all of your favorites. It was very narrow and stretched all along the basement and had a small door with a window. There were no lights, no comfort, just a sheet blocking off the part of the attic that didn't have some semblance of a floor, and a bloody mattress. All designs are by Creative Home Engineering. See more ideas about hidden rooms, old houses, secret rooms. private wine cellar at the Deer Path Inn, an English-inspired manor house just outside of Chicago. There was no easy way into the attic. Best of all, the actual process of creating this kind of entrance isnt much more complicated than building a built-in bookshelf in an existing doorway. (I prefer explanations like that over blood). We lived in this house for 6 years and I found out about this door 2 years ago, when we opened it we saw a skeleton in the corner, not gonna lie that scared me s**tless, although it was just a prop left by the past owners of our house. Ahhhhh the story of "the murder room". Blending 16 years of award-winning precision engineering with renowned high-security expertise, our team builds the hidden passageways our clients can imagine. So our new friend gets his scope set up and we all go down to the basement and watch the monitor. I got into a bit of horseplay with a cousin and got shoved into a wall. But to find it, you must solve the pyramid's perplexing puzzles, riddles and challenges. Capture some of this same magic with a creative entrance to a hidden room that they can play in. Especially after we noticed that the bricks which I thought had fallen in were all accounted for, scattered around the hole as if something had broken out.At the risk of my account being discovered by my redditor friends, this was in Pittsburgh. There were 4 pegs on the wall, each one had a boys name written underneath it. Hidden closet in basement wall after 20 yrs of living in the house. 37 curious homes with secret rooms hidden inside 1 of 75 Sotheby's International Realty Incredible hidden spaces to make your jaw drop Bookcases, floorboards and mirrors aren't always what they seem, as these weird and wonderful homes proves. A certain amount of partially usable space on the wall, each one had a small door under some (... 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