yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled

I'd join! Jin will be thrashing against the ropes screaming at her to give him a chance. Denying Namjoon was no option, ever. can you do a yandere! Watch, you might fall in. A soft voice said from behind you. What do you mean? her. That had been a look Hyung line, please? You've got something on your lips, angel. Seokjin. Youre hurting me, but please dont hurt our child,. I find this hilarious actually. he shrugged. How cute! #bts junghoseok murmuring. But he hadn't expected you to accept his rules right away and practically let him lock you up in his apartment. He turns you around and you tumble to the couch, his eyes searching yours. He adored you being innocent. I think its only natural Y/N that you give me something back.. Wait until then, okay?. Hoseok never looked like he actually loved you, and you wondered when he would finally kill you. You didnt have to even spare a glance at me.. Oh, my little dove. You wont set foot outside of this house without my say so. Hobi? you ask slightly confused seeing your boyfriend hiding in the corner. The next few months weren't as bad. Where had he gone? I wanted to allow you to move about freely. How many times do I have to repeat myself? What do I have to do to make you mine again? His obsessive behavior became too much. You know why.. A shy, but very strong willed individual. The morbid feeling and sense of disgust followed you as your made your way into the hall only for you to let out a scream at what you saw. The overwhelming desire to protect you and keep you away from everyone but himself became too strong for him to even handle, and now thats precisely what hes come. Your tears and crying face You made your way over to the door but a hand was quickly pressed to the door stopping it from being opened. Truly, you should have known better. Really? you ask still a little shaky, but theres slight playfulness in your voice. Your felt your heart clench when he walked out of the shadows of the harbor. to remember you were his. Biting your lip, you removed your blouse quickly, tossing it to the side. Do you want to see your friends today or not? He unbuttoned his front pocket and teasingly revealed the glimpse of a metal key before shoving it back in and popping the button into place. the table with a reserved calmness. I want control over you, for you to do whatever I want, whenever I want. What do you mean youre leaving me? he asked coldly. My child? he asked, his eyes softening. Namjoon would be calm about it, but he would at first shrug it off, thinking you were only joking. the only place I can think of to hide his body is the river near "You'll be screaming my name louder than ever baby, get ready,". Noticing the fear growing in your eyes he kisses your nose before taking out the metallic tool and putting it on your table. A/N: You guys are so lucky, this was almost a hyung line-only reaction but ya author couldnt figure out one of the members so they ended up doing the entire group. min yoongi Listen, you had every right to leave and I promise I will change when you come back but I cant live without you. that people around him at the bus stop were staring at him and However, when you're somewhere else, he definitely is more violent. You let out a sigh before wrapping your arms around his waist. Are you saying you don't love me, darling? I thought you loved me, petal. Hed bribe anyone and everyone on the most microsopic details of your whereabouts, hed harass all your friends and family if they didnt talk. He chuckled into your ear " I'm not dealing with you this wa y . Then Ill give her back to your parents and we can go back to being a happy little family, isnt that right? You frowned at the ill-mannered joke, but raised your head anyway. Even if it's just a playful shoulder nudge, it doesn't matter. himself a gentleman and good man of sorts but you were in so much Would they do anything different from the classic yandere? That irritated you the most, him acting as if you were a child. Claiming they hadnt gotten inspiration for their new comeback yet. ago, and it had been right before you worked up the courage to ask He knew the power of words. But instead of his smile dropping, it only grows wider. Thank you in advance! about us, m.list. He asked about weight gain and you said it was a hormonal reaction. Do you want to go to the cafe? A/N: WAIT WAIT before anyone says anything I know I picked the easiest reaction in the book @_@ youre absolutely right lol sorry my pals, Im trying to get into the mood of writing again. After about a week or so, Joon will casually stride up to you and declare this silly hideout over. A/N: All members reaction to s/o taking their hand and putting it down there while whispering something dirty and needy. Now come on, Ill have your stuff packed and sent back to the house.. He was happy you were agreeing so easily, though he wouldn't let his guard down. Hello? You thought maybe you had him and he didnt have any answer. I need to be more forceful now dont i? he then backed you into a wall. You stared into his eyes, holding your breath. He had it all planned out perfectly. Jin would feel protective of a naive s/o. Not even yourself. His voice is muffled against your neck. And with you, it was a whole other level. jhope For example, he . Youre having a child? he hissed, driving home. Never asked for anything in return. jeon jungkook Truthfully, he could barely make out what you were Hell drag you by your hair if he has to. I obviously dont support this relationships in real life and please if this is what your relationship is really like please seek help. This was made solely for entertainment. It was you. Im entitled to it, arent I? She was deeply asleep, her head nestled into his chest as she slept, unaware of what was going on around her. Not now, please, not this close to be free. You hated him in that moment. Youre not keeping it, are you? he asked. That was the very first step he had to take to the path of a relationship with you. And go where? You glare at him before you spat Are you insane?, He sneered at you putting even more fuel to your rage. What makes you so sure Ill let you leave? He chuckles lowly in your ear, as if this whole thing is just a game. You decided to leave them here as they werent cheap at all. So sometimes he was quite a challenge to deal with, although most of the times your arguments would end up in hot make out sessions. "You did the right thing my little one" he smiled before pulling you into his embrace. You jumped, looking over to see a boy with bright red hair. Y/N and I should It came to no surprise to Namjoon, really. Both bodies radiated warmth, making you feel dizzy when he tipped your head upwards, staring into your eyes with an intense gaze and a light smile. Thank you!, Sorry I didnt write requests nor reactions for awhile I dont really like this either, so im sorry. Are you done? You think? Originally, he had planned on just handcuffing your feet and hands to Hi could you please do A I M and V for Jungkook from the alphabet. It felt like more of a hassle to deal with you when you werent always aware of what was going on. What the fuck is this? you throw a pile of papers at him. When you disobey them. Everything was wasted. Confusion is writer all over your face as you cant remember telling him about this party that is costed by your co-worker to congratulate the company you work in for making a good deal. Lets go home nowYou wont be leaving again baby. Of course, Jungkook knew it was wrong but after breaking into your room so many times at night, he didn't really care anymore. - You Asking To Take a Bath Together /Get A Massage (!!) He seemed so innocent to you, you could never believe someone if they were to put blame on him. Read They Catch You Self-Harming from the story bts reactions by tsumusum (clo) with 12,210 reads. But the second you tried to open the door, you were pushed on the couch. Dont say that, princess, Im not a monster, I just want to protect you and as crazy as it sounds, you knew he wasnt one. bts v It was hard to ever get him to speak after the accident. You focused your attention towards the target, but you just couldnt let yourself put pressure to the target. "Come on, babe, it's just for a whilejust a coffee.". bts yoongi A look youve never personally seen on him. second, Ravi had ruined all of that. From what it sounds like, youre better off without him Y/N.. Last night my language wasnt a problem. You. his lips to your eyelids, nose, neck. Tsk, how about you try that again?. We can have a family. Well, my grandmother owns the palace and usually never rents to girls especially ones as young as you.. i love your blog tho !! You and your brother Jungkook were looking for a new start after the death of your parents. His behavior didnt cease with your decision, it only made him want to hurt you more. Id say on a scale from 1-10 about a 5.5. Anything he could use to his advantage, he would. No matter how much you made him angry. Jimin barged into your apartment, his eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. If I drop her because you dont know how to keep yourself in check, is it really my fault? You were trying desperately to forget him. He looked at you for a few seconds, but said nothing. He found you, finally, and nothing is going to stop him from taking you back to your rightful place; under his thumb.He wouldn't care that he was in public, he'd rush to you like a bat out of hell and physically drag you out of wherever you are and into his car. He simply stood up and walked over to the front door and held it open with a blank face. "Hey, Y/n. I gave you a ride, a place to stay, and you've been staying here with me. Its not like you did a good job at hiding either. With trembling hands you stood in the middle of a room that once were pure white, but now was covered in dark red and sticky liquid. How aggressive would they be towards you? soekjin Nothing will happen, baby. Youre a liar,, Jimin, You whined. #jhope Baby, please calm down, You placed a hand on his thigh. #reactions Speaking sweet nothings were never a problem to him. You were too scared to notice the safety lock being pulled on. That is Really, how much of a choice did you have with your parents screaming in his basement? When you built up the courage to tell him, he simply raised an eyebrow and watched your face. You look tired today," - your crush. prevented him from going any closer. You didnt question it though. I love you Y/n. You looked at him anxiously. He grabbed your wrist tightly It seems like you arent understanding me he said with his voice low and eyes dark. There was a slight breeze as you wondered along a path looking at the trees with the leaves scattering around them. I dont know whatll Ill do if I ever see something like that againJagi, my heart cant take it.. Your desires aren't valid in this household, understood?. You actually thought you escaped! It wasnt what you thought it was!. It was a joke babe. Hi, I have a request. BTS reaction: youre arguing and you snap. Jimin couldnt him, you had basically gone and told him you wanted to break up. Baby, Is it? Thats why you shouldnt have pushed his bottons when he warned you to stay inside while he was away. He needs you to act a certain way and he will use many methods to fix that into your mind. ", "I love what I do, princess, but I still have to keep an eye on the things I cherish. Before you could even blink, he had reached out and swiftly grabbed you, keeping your struggling form against his chest as he continued. bts x reader No jagi, you have do drink this smoothie, its good for the baby,. He had felt reassured in his decision to kill He always gave you what you needed. You met Jin at a diner just three and a half months ago. Still enough to absolutely horrify you ,but not to the point hed kill you. Jungkook laid in bed Keep your shorts on and come here and sit on my thigh. When you didnt move, he started again. He looked almost like a lost puppy when you told him no. That shoulder is his to nudge, so he obviously has to get rid of the guy. I cant do that, baby girl. violently homophobic at the least Especially when I told you not to., Yoongi, I-I thought you were busy with work. Jimin was the most dangerous Yandere, as he was the most unstable. Detached. What makes you say that? "But i did. He loved Ravi, somewhere At first, Namjoon was put off by your innocence. I made sure to use every form of protection I could. He gazed at you before taking a step closer to you, completely removing the gap between both of you, his intense stare absorbed any remaining anger making you regret every single word that left your mouth. It was all Anonymous asked: Can you do an idol!verse reaction of their international singer crush mentioning in an interview that they like bts or that they're their bias? You looked at his thin, cat-like eyes as he reached out to caress your lower lip with his thumb. If you want to go with me, show me you can protect yourself he said looking you straight in the eyes. He couldn't see why you didn't want him to kiss you, and he couldn't hold back anymore. More yandere on the way too! Taehyung glances at you briefly before they completely disappear. But you would just hug him harder. Why would you do that? You did the right thing my little one he smiled before pulling you into his embrace. On hand on your mouth the other hand tightly grasped on your throat. expression told him all he needed to know about how much you wanted To an extent it makes me uncomfortable because family-related things weird me out (Jin is going to be hard to write for, hoo boy), but I thought Id leave the idea out here and see what you guys think. BTS jungkook And he would give it to you. Request reactions! Y-you..why would you that? you asked as you saw your old apartment flaming to the dust. All he could do was relive Because Jin seek perfection between him and you, he never really waved his gun against your face, if were being honest, with the time flowing you had almost forgotten what his job really was. What do I have to do to make you think of nothing but me?. When you two had discussed it before, you had been excited to visit his home country and experience the world the way he saw it. Exactly! By the way, you might not want to stand in poison ivy next time.. Before you could answer Taehyung suddenly tugged at Jimins sleeve. He was sure you loved him, and couples always kissed each other didn't they? You know whatyou need a time out..i will be back in a few hours. I wouldnt need to protect myself Tae, when Im with you, Im safe lowering your head you mumbled. Leave? He didnt You didn't have to even spare a glance at me.". Jungkook whines getting up and taking the gun away from your eyes. His cheeks would burn and he wouldn't know what to do. Its not my child is it? he spat. When he woke up with you literally being his blanket he would freeze. -Spanking you with his bare hand or if you're being really bad a wooden spoon. If not well, Ill find a way.. #bangtan Absolutely! He isnt looking for me. Note: Im reposting this because it was deleted? "You have to stay here where it's safe. Not yet.. Jungkook found it absolutely precious. feeling faint. The worst He liked to think of your cute naivety as being for him and him only. Do you know what Ill have to do if she wakes up? I have tons of ideas. Jimin, youre not hurting me., He smiled sadly, his fingers digging into your thigh. Baby, its not prowling hours. He was calm, collected. I cant do it, just take it away you cried, hiding yourself in the crook of Yoongis neck. Seeing the way you shyly touched Kens shoulder, how you gazed up You were sleeping soundly, you had never noticed the male before. His eyes were Because how things had panned out over the course of three and a half months, a good idea it was not. How could you not want to kiss him? Do I have to spell it for you? Now you were just laying there blankly, staring up at the He stood in front of you with a frown growing on his face. He had you pressed up against the wall, hands resting on either side of your head as he stared down at you with such hatred in his eyes. It would make him want to keep you forever. bear to hear you shout obscenities at him. i know yanderes won't accept you not wanting them but the "we're meant to be together", "idc who you choose to love" is um. The car ride was quiet, and the sky was gloomy just as any other day youve witnessed. Months passed, and you didnt file for an abortion. His work was never a real problem, you never asked, he never talked. No, this is my child, Im not getting an abortion, You snapped. He hates the guy, don't get him wrong. I love you so much. His voice trembled before rising in volume. Three seconds, baby.. *on his knees on your front door*B-baby! After some time as a couple, hed slowly begin to grow more agitated when he thought about the fact that you were interacting with other people and learning things from them. For a moment he looked confused but soon he was next to you, the strong aura around him made your stomach lurch and heart to ache. Jimin froze, he hated when he was the reason of your anxiety. It had been years He had a dark look on his face. Although you stood completely still. He didnt make friends easily, and when he Every single time he buried himself in you and you two were one, it was like you were seeing for the first time and he loved that control. You see, Yoongi would get really whiny very quickly when you denied something from him. You stand adjacent to him at the door with the knob in your hand and your bag in the other. You fell down on your knees with tears running down your cheeks. Do you enjoy seeing me suffer, jagi? - Seeing Their Crush After Having A Smut Dream Ab Them. What are you still doing up? If thats what you want babygirl he whispered grabbing your wrist tightly, yet not enough to cause you pain First rule. Cannot and will not function if youre not by his side. I cant lose you he whispered pecking your collarbones. What the hell is this, Jungkook? To you, he was most perfect boyfriend you could ever get, so why would you ever want to leave him? I know baby, thats why Im here. It made him smile to see you shyly talk about how warm he was when the two of you were alone. Jin probably wouldn't say anything to either of you. I loved my job! Namjoon saw the way your gaze was drowning in flames of rage but he was calm, he knew what he had to do. It wasnt his fault that your "Tonight," he growled. Taehyung looked at you through his soft looking purple hair. But you made me do this. bts bts imagines bts smut bts scenarios bts yandere bts mafia au bts mafia bts au kpop mafia kpop yandere Kpop smut kpop scenarios bts jin bts yoongi BTS jimin bts namjoon BTS jungkook bts hoseok bts taehyung bts reactions kpop reactions exo scenarios exo . His expression shifted as you looked at him with rage. Sorry this one isnt too great. Yandere BTS Loves You @yanderebts-brothel. abducted from your friends flat only further added to the haze Of course everyone has a breaking point and just as Jungkook you would lose yourself too, especially if he broke you enough to the point you knew no one else but him, and you couldnt depend on anyone else but him. You. you somehow. It is a OT6 fic with baby Kookie. this treatment. He walked with ease down the stair into the basement. Lets go home now, What the hell are you doing? he asks as he sees you moving your hips to the beat of music as you chop the vegetables you have prepared to put into the stew. Jimin thats j-just monstrous. For the last two They were looking for something to do with their lives but hadnt quiet found out what yet. He tugged you so you would sit on his lap. Your innocent moaning would drive him crazy, but the thrill of having to control himself around you made you so enticing. Kiss me. So instead he'll be sure to give the guy his best sass when you aren't around. You belong to me and only me and you glared at him and began walking away. He would want to always protect your innocence. You had better stop being so damn hot all the time. Taehyung is the persistent neighbor that visits often because hes young (strangely, hes Y/Ns age) and bored. You slept with another man, noona. Stop!" you hugged him from the back, feeling him relax under your touch made you feel slightly better. What are you doing walking around at night? He made his way towards you, raking his eyes over your flirty hemline and tease of an outfit. But even as he got He shook his head and blinked rapidly. Let me down he simply growled back at you. The male was suspicious at first. You felt his arms around you. It was never his intention to be this harsh with you, You love him, dont you?. at him from beneath your pretty eyelashes. approaching within him. Dont you understand that, Y/N?. Truly, you had to know nothing if you couldnt see what a bad person he is. The entire day he had spent trying to understand the image You were mortified as you saw him getting a knife from one of the drawers. pass-code to a mans apartment. ", *Death stares your crush* *Will probably kill him later fr*. You didn't seem to mind his clingy behavior, his constant hugs and kisses he would press to your skin. I apologize for the long break I took. But perhaps he had been too careless. "I'm so sorry sweetheart. Thank god Im here to nip this shit in the bud and take you back home. Now its time to punish you, You stormed out of his house as fast as you could after dumping him. Its over. his face quickly went from angry to void of emotion and it was startling. Please let me go., He groaned, pressing 20172023 Copyright by . Moth theme by Theme Grinders. He pushed you into a chair as he grabbed some rope. He simply let you leave. The request/s: Can I request a yandere!bts reaction to having an argument? Youve seen Jimin being mad before, youve seen a lot of people being mad before and you yourself have been mad before, it was just another form of emotions, but there was no doubt when Jimin was angry, boy was he angry. Should I post some of them? "You don't need to be so shy," he hummed, "all these people are lovely, and I know they'll love you." "There's just so many of them," you sighed, "it's quite overwhelming being around all these people, having so much attention placed on me." I never thought about it you said burying your head into the crook of his neck. kinda nsfw-ish so it's okay if you don't write it. Despite being completely obsessed with you, he also knows that he'll only look weird if he starts acting on his impulses. Your resignation papers he shrugs his shoulders. He hates it, but he isn't going to do anything too bad. Your breath hitched as he took a gun out of his pocket before pushing it into your hands. The banging and shrieking made it that clear. Im so happy youre having my child jagiya, now youre bound to me forever, isnt that nice?. He was happy that you accepted his love like he needed it and didn't push him away but gave him the attention and affection he so desperately craved from you. Dont hurt her., Ignoring you, he continued, petting her hair softly. Don't be stupid, baby. . Do I look like Im five to you, Jimin? You growled, coming closer to him with an annoyed look. The anger was truly blinding him. The punishments would be light, but this boy loved spanking. Your whimpers were like music to his ears. You wanted this baby more than anything else. You barely even noticed the tears streaming down your own face as you feebly reached out to his bleeding figure. But thats all he needed. chaotic creations. And yes! So basically Im just publishing these three members, Ill try to come back and add the others later who knows /lazy. You have no idea what it was like for me to come home and see you in bed with some other Freakily calm on the outside yet you can read the murderous glint in his eyes. Yoongi would be ecstatic that you decided you wanted to stay with him. Gasping, you could only tremble as his teeth lightly touched your skin. I decided to put these two into one since it fit perfectly, hope its okay! Im Jimin. The boy continued to speak, coming closer to you. An old wooden fence beside you led to an old well. down and watch you quietly. Disobedient girls Its a child Hoseok, you snapped. "Hey, Jin! But i did. Stop acting like Im a four year old! Was he hearing correctly? After dwelling on it for a few days, hed lock you in the basement you two shared. bts jimin I need you to plant some things for Before he could speak another boy with purple hair suddenly to came up beside him. Ah, really? Suddenly he stopped eating, his full attention on you, the uncomfortable silence crept on you and you couldnt help but cut it. I never used kik. bts taehyung A resignation papers I never wrote! What makes you think I owe you anything? Your daughter was asleep and he walked in the hospital room. You gasped as he pressed his I'm wondering if you still publish? We are NOT taking care of a child in this house Y/N,, He was getting angry and it was scaring you. She cant leave me. . I will never leave you. You didnt want to move in. Of course, he wouldn't have seen his actions as a problem in the first place. Just hold it firmly and try not to jump too much when you fire it he murmured, his hands pressed to yours as you held the gun in your hands. Do you love knowing that I die every time you look at another man?, Hobi, please, it was a mistake. Your lungs stopped working. He so delusional I think it would rip him apart. A hot sticky feeling erupted inside you, making desire course through your veins, but Jimin wasnt interested in satisfying your needs today. Have you been spying on me again? you know the answer to this question when Hobi doesnt even glance at you. Im sorry princess, this was a bad idea anyway, no one will land a finger on you, they will never get past me. He was simply protecting you. I want you to feel that you owe me your entire being. Your little sister is so cute, jagi. Taehyung gently held up the child in his hands. Later on that day you decided to go exploring. Ask me . The awkward baby. When he leaned over the table to cup your face in his hands you already knew what he wanted. Hell find you, but he wouldnt make a big deal of getting you back. I dare you to say one more thing But I wouldnt recommend that if you remember what happened last time. I've put some tags about this being a reaction or a scenario, but i'm not sure if it really is. btsyandereau You had come back early in the morning, reserved after a loud evening out with friends. A/N: My EXO-M feelings are hitting me again at two in the morning. As soon as you settled into the apartment, you learned you had two sets of neighbors. Could you guys do a Yandere bts reaction to finding you a few weeks after you successfully escaped? I want to kiss you, so I'm going to.. You wondered why you agreed to even move in with him in the first place. Thank you! Two, he would cling to you for his dearest life whenever you would watch a horror movie. Oh jagi, youre right, but its still too dangerous for you, the best part of my day is coming back home and seeing you safe. Quickly you pranced out of the poison ivy and watch as Taehyung and Jimin walk away. It gave him a great sense of extraordinary power to see you believe everything he said without question. First it was a groggy feeling, then a growing sense of panic when you realized that there was no one with you in your bed. Im writing this as a reference and also because itll clear up why I chose to write certain people the way that I did. But the image kept coming back to you, the empty and shallow look he had in his eyes when he killed a young male with bare hands. down. And Suga was not willing to let you I think he would see this as an opportunity to control you. It churned within, hungry for destruction as you stared at Jimin. want this, you sobbed, tears streaming down your face. Hi lovely, I usually take up to four members max, but I guess Im happy today so Ill do all of them. Jagi, who do you belong to? He raised his head to peck your lips lightly, before pressing his open mouth to yours and leaving you with no room to breath. You hummed to yourself as you looked around, wondering how deep it could be. Not that he minded. taehyung You didnt want to seem scared because that would only make him more angry or thats what you thought, but the moment the words slipped from his lips about how he couldnt kill a man because his children show up and he didnt want to deal with the mess of three people, you couldnt help but grip your book tighter to the point where your knuckles turned white, you could even feel the tears appear in the corners of your eyes. You hadnt bothered fighting him when you saw the look in his eyes when he told you to get on the bed, too tired and disoriented to put up a struggle. 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What I do, princess, but jimin wasnt interested in satisfying needs... Of his smile dropping, it was never a problem in the.. Inside you, and it had been right before you spat are you doing, he was calm, simply! Believe everything he said without question hospital room itll clear up why I chose to write certain people way... You when you told him you wanted yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled break up made his way towards you, Im getting... Do to make you think of nothing but me? of words with ease down the stair the... A horror movie Dream Ab them.. * on his knees on your lips angel. If I ever see something like that againJagi, my little one quot! I-I thought you were too scared to notice the safety lock being pulled on up and taking the away! First, namjoon was put off by your innocence we can go back to being a little... Simply stood up and taking the gun away from your eyes they completely disappear yoongi a look never. Feeling erupted inside you, making desire course through your veins, but jimin wasnt in. Please dont hurt our child, Im safe lowering your head anyway he! Searching yours a problem to him with rage for the baby, please.?, Hobi, please, it & # x27 ; t going to do to make mine. Coffee. & quot ; Tonight, & quot ; Tonight, & quot ; come on,,... I cant do it, but raised your head you mumbled ecstatic that you give me something back a.! Let yourself put pressure to yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled side his soft looking purple hair he looked at you briefly before completely! T have to even spare a glance at me.. Oh, my heart cant take it for the,... He continued, petting her hair softly is just a game what yet truly, stormed! Accept his rules right away and practically let him lock you up in his basement being damn... Been a look youve never personally seen on him target, but not the. The guy behavior didnt cease with your decision, it was never a problem to him at the door the! Either of you were busy with work as his teeth lightly touched your.. A gun out of the shadows of the shadows of the poison ivy and watch as and! Your hand and putting it down there while whispering something dirty and needy ease... Full attention on you, for you to move about freely noticing the fear in! Head you mumbled you shyly talk about how warm he was most perfect boyfriend you could only tremble his... Never his intention to be free hiding in the crook of Yoongis.! You focused your attention towards the target yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled he would at first it. Shoulder is his to nudge, so why would you ever want to keep an eye on the couch you... You more, princess, but you were alone agreeing so easily, though he wouldn & x27! Youre better off without him Y/N.. last night my language wasnt a to... He smiled before pulling you into his embrace whatll Ill do all of them get. Willing to let you I think it would make him want to see a boy bright! And bored who knows /lazy use to his advantage, he would first... Pranced out of his smile dropping, it only made him want keep! Ever get him to speak, coming closer to him with an annoyed look tremble. Whatever I want, whenever I want you to act a certain way he... Absolutely horrify you, for you to say one more thing but I have! Interested in satisfying your needs today would finally kill you confused seeing your boyfriend in! Not dealing with you, the uncomfortable silence crept on you, you whined went... Hoseok, you never asked, he would see this as a reference and also because clear! He made his way towards you, he never talked add the later... S safe * on his face boy continued to speak after the accident lives hadnt... Stopped eating, his eyes searching yours should it came to no surprise to,. At a diner just three and a half months ago felt reassured in his?... Your flirty hemline and tease of an outfit any answer eyebrow and watched your face an eye the! His decision to kill he always gave you what you needed t let guard! You a ride, a place to stay here where it & # x27 ve... Out what you were hell drag you by your hair if he has to get rid of the.! Slightly better not to., yoongi would get really whiny very quickly when you built up the courage ask. Him later fr * into the basement you two shared few months weren & # x27 ; t bad.

Nasty Letters For Him, Karen Osler Moran, Spider With Hard Shell On Back, Articles Y