IOS Development

IOS Service
The Apple Media Service (AMS) is used with Bluetooth accessories that connect to iOS devices through Bluetooth low-energy links. It gives them a simple and convenient way to control media apps and access information about the media states of the connected iOS devices.The AMS has no dependencies, apart from the standard set of Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) sub-procedures. An accessory acting as a GATT client is free to access and use other services provided by the iOS device while using the AMS.
IOS App Development Service
Clearbridge Mobile is a full-service iOS app development company providing services that cover the entire development cycle, from concept to distribution. Leveraging a proven agile methodology and in-house talent, we deliver end-to-end custom products that encompass the complete range of iOS devices, including iPad, Apple TV, watchOS and iPhone app development. We’re the iOS development partner of choice for some of the world’s leading companies, taking a user-focused approach to help clients build better mobile relationships with their customers.
The Benefits of an API-First Approach
UI/UX Design
API first involves establishing a contract. Creating a contract between services that is followed by teams across an organization allows those teams to work on multiple APIs at the same time. Developers do not have to wait for updates to an API to be released before moving on to the next API. Teams can mock APIs and test API dependencies based on the established API definition.
Reduces the cost of developing apps
APIs and code can be reused on many different projects. When a development team wants to build a new app, they don’t have to start from scratch which is time-consuming and costly. API-first design also allows most problems to be solved before any code is even written which helps prevent problems when it is time to integrate APIs with applications..
Increases the speed to market
Much of the process of building APIs can be automated using tools that allow import of API definition files. Tools like SwaggerHub allow import of API definition files, and with those files API tools such as API documentation, SDKs, and mock APIs can be auto-generated. Automation significantly speeds up the development of APIs and applications.
Ensures good developer experiences
Consumers of APIs are most often developers, and developer experience (DX) can make or break the success of an API. API first ensures that developers have positive experiences using your APIs. Well-designed, well-documented, consistent APIs provide positive developer experiences because it’s easier to reuse code and onboard developers, and it reduces the learning curve.
Our Approaches
REST API Application
With some vastly experienced Android app developers on-board we offer Rest API porting solutions.
Quantumsoftech is working extensively for a couple of years for providing top-notch Media and Entertainment Solutions.
REST Web services
Restful Web Service is a lightweight, maintainable, and scalable service that is built on the REST architecture.
Layered system
The layered system style allows an architecture to be composed of hierarchical layers by constraining component behavior.
Uniform interface
By applying the software engineering principle of generality to the component interface, the overall system architecture is simplified.
Cache constraints require that the data within a response to a request be implicitly or explicitly labeled as cacheable or non-cacheable.